魔兽世界之一:备战 / 魔兽世界之二:装备
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#include <map> #include <vector> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int T, M; map<string, int> HP; class Samurai{ int hp; int id; public: Samurai(int _id, string type){ id = _id; hp = HP[type]; } }; class Headquarter{ public: bool stoped; int hp; int summon_id; int Stot; string color; vector<Samurai> Sam; map<string, int> Snum; Headquarter(){} Headquarter(string _color, int _hp):color(_color), hp(_hp){ stoped = 0; summon_id = -1; Stot = 0; Sam.clear(); Snum.clear(); } bool summon(string type); bool summon_pre(); void stop(); }RED, BLUE; class Game{ public: int t; void reset(){ t = 0; } void modify(){ t++; } string show(){ string p = ""; int x = t; while(x) { p = char((x % 10) + '0') + p; x /= 10; } while(p.length() < 3) p = '0' + p; return p; } void new_turn(){ for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(i == 5)RED.stop(); else if(RED.summon_pre())break; } for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(i == 5)BLUE.stop(); else if(BLUE.summon_pre())break; } modify(); } }game; void Headquarter::stop() { if(!stoped)cout << game.show() <<' '<< color <<" headquarter stops making warriors\n"; stoped = 1; } void printinfo(string color, string type, int num, int tot) { cout << game.show() <<' '<< color <<' '<< type <<' '<< tot <<" born with strength "<< HP[type] <<','<< num <<' '<< type <<" in " << color <<" headquarter\n"; } bool Headquarter::summon(string type) { if(HP[type] <= hp) { Samurai S = Samurai(summon_id, type); Sam.push_back(S); Snum[type]++; Stot++; printinfo(color, type, Snum[type], Stot); hp -= HP[type]; return true; } else return false; } bool Headquarter::summon_pre() { summon_id++; if(color == "red") { switch(summon_id % 5) { case 0: return summon("iceman"); case 1: return summon("lion"); case 2: return summon("wolf"); case 3: return summon("ninja"); case 4: return summon("dragon"); } } else { switch(summon_id % 5) { case 0: return summon("lion"); case 1: return summon("dragon"); case 2: return summon("ninja"); case 3: return summon("iceman"); case 4: return summon("wolf"); } } } int main() { cin >> T; for(int cas = 1; cas <= T; cas++) { game.reset(); cout << "Case:" << cas << endl; cin >> M; RED = Headquarter("red", M); BLUE = Headquarter("blue", M); cin >> HP["dragon"] >> HP["ninja"] >> HP["iceman"] >> HP["lion"] >> HP["wolf"]; while(game.t < 10000) game.new_turn(); } return 0; } |
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#include <map> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int T, M; string WTYPE[3] = {"sword", "bomb", "arrow"}; map<string, int> SHP; class Weapon{ public: int atk; string type; Weapon(string _type, int _atk){ atk = _atk; type = _type; } }; class Samurai{ public: int hp; int id; int loyalty; string type; double morale; vector<Weapon> Wea; Samurai(int _id, string _type, int hhp):type(_type){ id = _id; hp = SHP[type]; morale = loyalty = 0; if(type == "dragon") { Wea.push_back(Weapon(WTYPE[id % 3], 0)); morale = (double)hhp / SHP["dragon"]; } if(type == "ninja") { Wea.push_back(Weapon(WTYPE[id % 3], 0)); Wea.push_back(Weapon(WTYPE[(id + 1) % 3], 0)); } if(type == "iceman") { Wea.push_back(Weapon(WTYPE[id % 3], 0)); } if(type == "lion") { loyalty = hhp; } } }; class Headquarter{ public: bool stoped; int hp; int summon_type; int Stot; string color; vector<Samurai> Sam; map<string, int> Snum; Headquarter(){} Headquarter(string _color, int _hp):color(_color), hp(_hp){ stoped = summon_type = Stot = 0; Sam.clear(); Snum.clear(); } bool summon(string type); bool summon_pre(); void stop(); }RED, BLUE; class Game{ public: int t; void reset(int cas); void modify(); string show(); void nextturn(); void printinfo(Samurai S, string color, int num, int tot); }game; //==========游戏类函数 void Game::reset(int cas) { cout << "Case:" << cas << endl; t = 0; } void Game::modify() { t++; } string Game::show() { string p = ""; int x = t; while(x) { p = char((x % 10) + '0') + p; x /= 10; } while(p.length() < 3)p = '0' + p; return p; } void Game::nextturn(){ for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(i == 5)RED.stop(); else if(RED.summon_pre())break; } for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(i == 5)BLUE.stop(); else if(BLUE.summon_pre())break; } modify(); } void Game::printinfo(Samurai S, string color, int num, int tot){ cout << show() <<' '<< color <<' '<< S.type <<' '<< tot <<" born with strength "<< SHP[S.type] <<','<< num <<' '<< S.type <<" in " << color <<" headquarter\n"; if(S.type == "dragon") cout << "It has a " << S.Wea[0].type << ",and it's morale is " << fixed << setprecision(2) << S.morale << endl; if(S.type == "ninja") cout << "It has a " << S.Wea[0].type << " and a " << S.Wea[1].type << endl; if(S.type == "iceman") cout << "It has a " << S.Wea[0].type << endl; if(S.type == "lion") cout << "It's loyalty is " << S.loyalty << endl; } //========== //==========司令部类函数 void Headquarter::stop() { if(!stoped)cout << game.show() <<' '<< color <<" headquarter stops making warriors\n"; stoped = 1; } bool Headquarter::summon(string type) { if(SHP[type] <= hp) { hp -= SHP[type]; Snum[type]++; Stot++; Samurai S = Samurai(Stot, type, hp); Sam.push_back(S); game.printinfo(S, color, Snum[type], Stot); return true; } else return false; } string RSam[] = {"iceman", "lion", "wolf", "ninja", "dragon"}; string BSam[] = {"lion", "dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "wolf"}; bool Headquarter::summon_pre() { summon_type++; if(color == "red")return summon(RSam[(summon_type - 1) % 5]); else return summon(BSam[(summon_type - 1) % 5]); } //========== int main() { cin >> T; for(int cas = 1; cas <= T; cas++) { game.reset(cas); cin >> M; RED = Headquarter("red", M); BLUE = Headquarter("blue", M); cin >> SHP["dragon"] >> SHP["ninja"] >> SHP["iceman"] >> SHP["lion"] >> SHP["wolf"]; while(game.t < 10000) game.nextturn(); } return 0; } |